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Customs Clearance


The customs clearance service is essential and indispensable in import and export operations, as it involves compliance with all legal and customs formalities necessary for the entry or exit of goods into a country. Main steps and activities involved in this service: 1.Documentation preparation: Our customs clearance agent collects and checks all documents required for customs clearance. Invoices, Certificates, Licenses, among others. 2. Tax classification: A tax classification code (Common Mercosur Nomenclature - NCM) is assigned to goods, which determines the tax rate to be paid. 3.Customs declaration: Customs declaration, a document that contains detailed information about the merchandise, its value, origin, quantity, among other relevant data. 4.Payment of taxes and fees: Based on the tax classification and the information contained in the customs declaration, the amount of taxes and fees to be paid is calculated. 5.Customs inspection: The customs authority carries out an inspection of the goods to verify their compliance with the information provided in the customs declaration. 6. Customs clearance and release: After completing the previous steps, the customs authority issues the customs clearance, authorizing the release of the goods. 7. Records and Reports: We keep detailed records of all transactions and documents related to customs clearance.

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